Mercury User's Manual
Titles & Logo
Titles & Logo » Titles
- Index page title: The title bar on the index pages can be set to display the album title/name, the folder title/name (at the top level, this is same as the album title/name), or nothing.
- Maximum width: The maximum width of page titles on index and info pages.
- Include description/comment: If selected, the album description or folder comment is displayed below the album title/name or folder title/name.
- Show folder title/name in browser tab: If selected, index pages within a folder will show the folder title (if one has been entered) or the folder name in the browser tab. Otherwise, the album title is displayed in the browser tab on all pages.
- Display underscores as spaces: If selected, underscores in folder and file names that appear as titles, browser tabs, captions, or tooltips are displayed as spaces. This applies only to the actual folder and file names. User-entered titles and comments are not affected. The folder and file names themselves are not changed.
Titles & Logo » Logo Image
- Add / Remove: Click Add to select a logo image to display on each index page. Click Remove to remove the image.
- File: This field displays the name of the chosen file, but cannot be directly edited. To change a logo image, remove the existing one and add a new one.
- Above nav icons: If selected, the logo is shown above the navigation icons and titles, rather than being embedded with them. It can then be positioned to the left, center, or right.
- Link to album home: If selected, the logo will be a clickable link to the top level of the album.
- Logo on top level only: If selected, the logo will be displayed only on the top level index page, and not on the index pages for folders.
- Link to external site: If a URL is provided, the logo will be a clickable link to an external site.
- Tooltip: If the logo is a clickable link, this is the tooltip text displayed when the visitor hovers on the logo.