Under Settings » Images » General » Include, you may choose to use Scaled images, Originals, or both.
If you choose only Originals, your images will not be scaled or modified in any way. They will be used directly in the slide pages of the album. The skin will adjust the slide display to the visitor's viewport, but because the files have not been scaled, the file sizes may be very large, making this setting a poor choice for a web album. However, you can resize your images before using them in jAlbum, in which case choosing only Originals might be suitable. If you also select HiDPI images, your original images will be shown at one-half their native dimensions, to preserve clarity on high-density displays.
If you choose Scaled images, videos will be shown in their native dimensions, or to fit within the image bounds, or to fit within the visitor's viewport, whichever is smaller. If you choose only Originals, videos will be shown in their native dimensions, or to fit within the visitor's viewport, whichever is smaller.
If you choose Scaled images, YouTube and Vimeo videos will be shown in the dimensions you have specified under the image and folder settings, or to fit within the image bounds, or to fit within the visitor's viewport, whichever is smaller. If you choose only Originals, YouTube and Vimeo videos will be shown in the dimensions you have specified under the image and folder settings, or to fit within the visitor's viewport, whichever is smaller.
If you choose Scaled images, PDF's will be shown in a square window that fits within the image bounds, or to fit within the visitor's viewport, whichever is smaller. If you choose only Originals, PDF's will be shown in a square window with a maximum size of 1080x1080 pixels, or to fit within the visitor's viewport, whichever is smaller.