Mercury User's Manual
Fonts » Index Page
Fonts » Index Page » Font Styles
- Theme image title: The font styles for the page title shown on the theme image on index and info pages. The font size may be set to zero, meaning that the title is not displayed. This option might be chosen if the theme image contains its own text or a large logo.
- Theme image description: The font styles for the page description shown on the theme image on index pages. The font size may be set to zero.
- Banner title: The font styles for the album or folder title on index and slide pages.
- Banner description: The font styles for the album or folder description (folder comment) on index pages.
- Folder menu: The font styles for the folder menu.
- Top info: The font styles for Top Info text on index pages.
- Bottom info: The font styles for Bottom Info text on index pages.
- Copyright: The font styles for the copyright notice on index and slide pages.
- Credits: The font styles for the credits on index pages.