Mercury User's Manual
Custom » Create a custom style
- Create a custom style based on an existing style: The user can select one of the preset Mercury styles as the starting point for creating a custom style. This resets the color settings to those of the preset style selected.
Custom » Index & Slide Pages
- Body: The color of the body of the pages.
- Text: The color of text on the pages.
- Text link hover: The color of link text on the pages, when hovered on.
- Top of page icon: The color of the "top of page" icon.
- Top of page background: The color of the "top of page" icon background.
- Sibling icon: The color of the sibling folder icon.
- Sibling background: The color of the sibling folder icon background.
- Folder & PDF background: The color of the background of the folder and PDF icons, if no representing thumbnail is selected. If you have elected to use thumbnail surrounds, you should choose a different color for the icon background - copying the body color is a safe choice.
- Thumbnail surround: The color of the thumbnail surround on floated, fixed shape thumbnails with a surround.
- Borders: The color of the image borders.
- Thumbnail caption text: The color of the thumbnail caption text when the caption is displayed as an overlay on the thumbnail image.
- Thumbnail caption background: The color of the thumbnail caption background when the caption is displayed as an overlay on the thumbnail image.
- Background Texture - Add / Remove: Click Add to select a background texture image for the page body. Click Remove to remove the image. This should be a small texture pattern that is repeated over the page.
Custom » Theme Image
- Text: The color to use for the page title and description shown on the theme image. Because this text is shown on the theme image, rather than on the body of the page, it is often best to choose a contrasting color (typically white, for visibility against a dimmed image).
- Text link hover: The color of link text in the title and description, when hovered on.
- Background tint: The color of the dimming layer that appears behind the title and description.
Custom » Banner Title Bar
- Background color: The color of a banner title bar.
- Gradient color: The bottom color of a gradient applied to a banner title bar.
- Text: The color of the page title and description shown on a banner.
- Text link hover: The color of link text in the page title and description shown on a banner, when hovered on.
- Background Texture - Add / Remove: Click Add to select a background texture image for the banner title bar. Click Remove to remove the image. This should be a small texture pattern that is repeated over the page.
Custom » Folder Menu
- Background: The color of the folder menu background.
- Text: The color of folder menu text.
- Text link hover: The color of folder menu link text, when hovered on.
Custom » Info Page
- Box background: The color of the text box on the info page.
- Text: The color of text on the info page.
- Text link hover: The color of link text on the info page, when hovered on.